Re-Current | Uncovered
October 2, 2016
Second in its series, Re-Current | Uncovered was an event based work which explored the ever changing sociopolitical and physical landscape of lower Manhattan and its surrounding waters. On October 2nd 2016 New Draft Collective hosted a three hour sail with 40 passengers aboard the schooner Pioneer. The curated program included sound performances from land to water, conversations led by artists and curators which uncover the diverse histories of the New York Harbor’s shoreline along with moments of recreation and leisure.
June - August 2014
Zwicker is an exhibition by New Draft Collective for the Maritime Foundation. Shaped by the story of the schooner F/V Sherman Zwicker, the show links historical artifacts, archival photographs, and contemporary installations that speak to the history of the vessel and its place in maritime culture.

October 5, 2013
Re-Current lies somewhere between performance, installation, symposium and recreational event. On October 5, 2013, Jigarjian and Pratt hosted the main event aboard the Shearwater Schooner. During the four hour sail around the New York Harbor, a group of writers, artists, curators and urban planners engaged with the ever-changing sociopolitical and physical landscape of Lower Manhattan and Governors Island.

Writing as Practice
December 17, 2012
Writing as Practice: Peripheral Continuity was held on December 17, 2011 at the International Center of Photography. The aim of the symposium was to bring together a group of writers, visual artists and curators who were investigating the role and use of the written word in their respective artistic practices.​