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Mark Firth's Grand Banks Meets the New Draft Collective's Installations

By Andy Battaglia


Floating off the edge of Battery Park City, past the miniature golf course and beach volleyball courts on Pier 25, is a new home for old history of the New York waterfront.


Her name is the Sherman Zwicker, and in her service as a schooner, she has traveled the Eastern Seaboard since 1942. With the boat's looming masts and a hold big enough to store 320,000 pounds of catch, its original purpose was fishing for cod. Now, it is a museum and a restaurant with a mission to fulfill.


"We're working with people putting out interesting responses to maritime history. Not just the state-park model of representing it with a plaque but filtering it through a lens to make that history something you can actually feel, that can have a presence," said Alex Pincus of the Maritime Foundation, the group behind the vessel's move to its new home.



A Boat, 40 Passengers, and a Bunch of Performance Art

By Andrew Nunes | October 5, 2016


It’s always a gratifying change of pace when an art event happens outside of the confines of clinical gallery walls or corroding-chic warehouses, but New Draft Collective has taken this even further, hosting a performance art-symposium retreat entirely off-land. Michi Jigarjian and Libby Pratt, the duo behind the artist collective, organized Re-Current Uncovered this past Sunday, a 3-hour art experience aboard the Schooner Pioneer as it sailed around the southern waters of New York City.



Sailing the Rough Seas of History

By Alina Cohen | October 5, 2016


“I fell in love with tall ships when I was eighteen years old, 1976,” said Penny Gadzini, a member of the crew aboard the Schooner Pioneer. The restored 19th century boat regularly sails out of the South Street Seaport, but this weekend the boat united an eclectic group of around 40 artists, curators, musicians, professors and professionals just along for the ride. The occasion for the sail? Art. In fact, the sail was the art. A piece by artist duo New Draft Collective, whose work recontextualizes historic and cultural spaces—in this case, New York harbor.



VIDEO: An Art Exhibit Below Deck at Grand Banks

By Vanessa Yurkevich | August 18, 2014


There's a new addition on New York's Hudson river — an oyster bar called Grand Banks is housed on the boat F/V Sherman Zwicker.

The F/V Sherman Zwicker was a mid-century cod fishing boat, which sailed in Nova Scotia or the Grand Banks area of New Foundland. It is now owned by the Maritime Foundation.



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© 2019 New Draft Collective: Michi Jigarjian and Libby Pratt

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